Bluff was the forerunner to 5 card stud poker. It was played with both 20 card decks and 52 card decks.
We will cover the full deck version here.
Players ante and each player receives 5 cards. Player to the left of the dealer may "Chip" (bet) any sum he sees fit up to the limit agreed up. This bet must be met or overrun by each player. A player may pass but must meet any chip or fold.
If there is a mis-deal or if all players " Pass" each must ante again and cards are re-dealt.
The 5 cards you are dealt is your hand you can now pass, bet or fold. Bluffing is what this game is all about and once the betting begins so does the bluffing.
Two to 10 players can play using a 52 card deck. Any card exposed may be accepted or rejected by a player. The winning hand also wins the deal.