The games played in the Old West included Banked Games, Shortcard Games, Dice Games and Wheel Games, many of which are still played in Casino's today. The games have changed since covered wagon times, with many of the slot games evolving into virtual experiences, like the ones listed at People who love the classic card and table games can still get their fix at websites such as this one, where blackjack, roulette and baccarat can still be found and played by thousands.

Banked games were games that required someone to put up the money to back the game. Faro was a banked game and the "King" of all games. Other banked games included Keno, Grand Hazard, Red and Black and Vingt-Et-Un (Van-Ta-Un). Shortcard games included 3 Card Brag, Monte, Bluff (forerunner to Stud Poker) and Whiskey.

Dice games included Chuck-A-Luck, Bing (also known as High Dice, Beat the Dealer and The Bartender's Game) and Craps. Wheel games consisted of Wheel-of-Fortune and Roulette. Although the technology for online Slots did not exist back then, the forerunner to todays Slot Machines was present in the form of Trade Stimulators.
